Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mrs. Mallard's Facebook

1) How life is but a dream?

2) Is this reality?

3) Please, don't be true?

4) I can't live a life without him...

5) Prayers.

6) What does this mean?

7) Can this be real?

8) My life is a trainwreck

9)  I'm so over this feeling.

10) Dang..

Saturday, March 2, 2013


"Olivia, guess what I heard my parents say last night!" - Waverly

"What?" - Olivia

"I'll just start right at the beginning, I was pretty sure they were discussing my birthday, so I got my ear real close the the door, and first I heard my mom say..."

Mother:  "We only have a few month to decide..."

Father: " I know, I just want to make sure its the right decision."

Mother: "Either way, it's a good decision."

Father: "But, we got to decide on money, school/work time, and make sure we're prepared!"

Mother: "Well, if we do our first choice, it would be less costly, money and time wise, but the second option is what I want to do."

Father: "I know, but we don't always get to do what we want to do, dear..."

Mother: "But, its her birthday, and growing up I always imagined my daughters 5th birthday being a certain way, and I am just set on it, Michael."

Father: "I'll check at work to get the time off of work, and you talk to her school."

"So, I know were going somewhere and I figured we were gonna go visit my grandma, but I kept listening.. " - Waverly

Mother: "Oh my gosh, I am so excited. Where should we stay? I'll look online and decide where, okay?"

Father: "Well, you are the big planner in the family. I assume everything should be set and ready to go my midnight!"

Mother: "I might be more excited than Waverly will be when she finds out."

Father: "Why don't we tell her?"

Mother: "She's asleep, Michael!"

Father: "You haven't been hearing all the movement in her room?!"

Mother: "I must have been too excited! Waverly, come here, please."

"And, then they told me that we are going to WALT DISNEY WORLD during my birthday! I am so excited, Olivia!"