Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ode to...

You never seem to fail me,
as much as I fail you.
You make sure I am up,
and you make sure I am asleep.

I can plan appointments around you,
and let others know when I'm not available.
Me and most plan our days around you,
and you plan yours in a 24 hour sequence.

Most would have no order in their life without you,
and you don't even care.
My clock probably runs my day more than anything else.
Class to class to Class.
From one job to another.
The only 'time' we know to go is when we look at the clock.

But their does come a point and time when you stop,
and don't wake us up,
and those are the only time we tend to notice you.
Even though you've been faithful to us for 6 months.

Slowly, but surly, we will then unbeknownst to us love you, until you mess up, again. 

1 comment:

  1. Though it's conventional to put the object of the ode in the title, there's also something cool about the riddle-like quality this takes on. There are so many possibilities with clocks. Of course, you really want to take advantage of all the human qualities...the face, the hands.
