Monday, February 11, 2013

I see a generation of change.

Who will stand up for anyone being brought down by a bully, who will help those in need and those who are struggling more than the rest of us.

Who will be there for someone with an listening ear, with no strings attached.

Who will come forward and be proud to be an American, and stand beside their fellow Americans regardless of their background, race, sexual orientation, religion, or size.

I see a generation of enlightenment.

Who will show generations before ours that hate isn't acceptable, under any circumstance. How a person is a person. A beating heart.

Who will prove that the change is coming. Gay's will marry. Women will control their bodies. and Our monies will be ours.

I see a generation of Acceptance.

Who will be part of the change. Proving that we are accepted and accepting. We love and will be loved. Regardless of flaws.


  1. Our minds are great in this generation, I see it everyday:) I like this poem because it says so many positive things about the human spirit!

  2. Why do you think Ginsberg chose not to showcase the good in the world. Just as with our generation, surely there must have been some praiseworthy individuals and institutions during his time. What's gained in pointing out what IS NOT working in the world?
