Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Hello! My name is Brittney Blankenship, clearly, and this is semester will be four years at LCSC. This means I have put English off for as long as possible. I can't stand reading type of English, but I love to write about it. I'm an odd duck, I know. I am a Business Admin with Management Accounting Emphasis major. I love money and numbers. I have two jobs. I work at the Northwest Children's Home mostly, and then Bumpers Family Fun Canter only when needed. I grew up in Lewiston, and graduated from LHS. Go Bengals. And, my most favorite thing is Disney. I like to think I'm a pretty friendly person, and try to be as helpful as possible so if anyone needs help or wants to study together, just get a hold of me.


  1. Hi Brittney! You are not alone. Every semester, I encounter at least one student who has managed to put off English class :) You can do it! I promise ;)

    1. Hi Brittany, my name is Dawn Otto. I have 3 boys too, but am also a grandma of 7 beautiful grandchildren. lol. I like English but have struggled a little, but have heard from several professors that, "if you can write, you can get any job you want." So, I really want to learn as much as I can about writing. I hope you have an awesome semester!

  2. Hi Brittany. That is my major too. I always thought English and speech were my downfalls, yet here I am taking my second English coarse. I suppose if I get them done now, I can enjoy the accounting courses later!

    1. I really enjoyed English 109, which is 101 and 102 together... and I LOVED IT! I got an A, which was amazing to me. (: But, I'm already dreading the reading of these poems. Ugh.

  3. Hello Brittany!!!! I absolutely LOVE Disney too!! Especially Winnie the Pooh!! I even have Pooh Bear slippers and footie pajamas!! Hopefully I can meet you and we can find more things in common.. I am kind of shy at first but I love people!!

    1. I'm really shy too. But, I'll definitely talk back if someone is talking to me. It's starting a conversation I'm not so good at. I love disney so much I have 4 tattoos dedicated to them. :)
