Monday, May 13, 2013

Blog 13

What was your favorite poem? Your least favorite poem? Why?
My favorite poem was my Papa's Waltz, just because I felt like I took a different interpretation of it than a lot of people did. My least favorite poem was Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird. I didn't have any interest of learning about a blackbird.

What was your favorite short story? Your least favorite short story? Why?
My favorite short story is Girl. I really enjoyed how it's written, and mostly how it relates to her life to a T.
My least favorite is Bartleby, because I felt like there was so much more information left to be known. It was a similar feeling of wanting to tell someone something and then forgetting what it was. That feeling of missing something is what I got throughout the whole story.

Should next semester's ENGL150 students read Death of a Salesman?

I'm rather indifferent. If there is another play/film that capture the aspects that you are trying to teach, I would go with that. Probably something that will capture the attention of the viewers more quickly.

How did you feel about watching Hollywood versions of Bartleby and Death of a Salesman? Is there utility in seeing a visual version of something you're responsible to read?

I definitely think being able to see them, rather than just reading them. I was able to get more out of watching it than just reading, definitely!

What was your favorite in-class activity? What was your least favorite in-class activity?

I didn't really have a favorite or non-favorite part of class.

You'll notice that I didn't have your small groups present (even though the syllabus claimed you would). Did you miss that? Would you have rather that whole-class discussions were led by students doing presentations?

No, I am the type of person who does better in small groups. Presenting in front of everyone would pretty much make me forget any knowledge I learned. I am fine in small groups, but being in front of everyone is not a good deal for me. I would almost consider skipping class, rather than presenting in front of everyone.

Finally, what are your feelings on the creative blog entries? Which entry did you enjoy most? Least?

I feel like writing the blog was easy itself. But, because I've never done if for a class, I always ended up forgetting about it until last minute because it was something I was not used to doing or having to remember. I liked the aspect to not have to type something up and hand it in, and rather just have it online.

I can honestly say none of them were my favorite, but my least favorite would having to post as if I were the character.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Grandpa Willy

"Son, you know I couldn't be more proud of you taking after your ol man, playing football like you do! It reminds me of how proud my old man was of me. The only thing was he thought me being good at football was all I needed to be successful in life, but I want you to know, thats not entirely true. Take football as far as you can, but have a back up plan. Papa Willy didn't have a back up plan, and even though he worked his but of for Me, Grandma and your Uncle Happy, he realized a little too late in life that he was not as "liked" as he thought he was which kinda ended his life. He was not happy with what he had thought was his "American Dream" and he realized a tad bit too late. He was a great man, but don't get too sucked in life you Grandfather did, alright?"

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Linda's posts

Back then:

I just want Willy to be happy. He works his butt off to provide for his family. He wants Biff and Hap to be successful and well liked, and If thats what he wants, I want it to. They should do what their father wants them to do, considering what he has done for them. I know we don't got a lot of money right now, and that's our first problem. But, Willie just can't accept that, so we don't mention it much.


I understand Willie has hopes and dreams for his boys, but sometimes you've got to just let them go and do what THEY want to do. If they're happy by accomplishing whatever they accomplish, than I am satisfied and Willie should be too. Not everyone is the same. We are all different and we can't be expecting everyone to go along with what another person wants them to... If the boys become farmers, they've achieved their goals and that's what I'm proud of! We don't got a lot of money now either, but money isn't everything. I've got my family and that what I am most proud and excited about.. We will survive of that I'm sure.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mrs. Mallard's Facebook

1) How life is but a dream?

2) Is this reality?

3) Please, don't be true?

4) I can't live a life without him...

5) Prayers.

6) What does this mean?

7) Can this be real?

8) My life is a trainwreck

9)  I'm so over this feeling.

10) Dang..

Saturday, March 2, 2013


"Olivia, guess what I heard my parents say last night!" - Waverly

"What?" - Olivia

"I'll just start right at the beginning, I was pretty sure they were discussing my birthday, so I got my ear real close the the door, and first I heard my mom say..."

Mother:  "We only have a few month to decide..."

Father: " I know, I just want to make sure its the right decision."

Mother: "Either way, it's a good decision."

Father: "But, we got to decide on money, school/work time, and make sure we're prepared!"

Mother: "Well, if we do our first choice, it would be less costly, money and time wise, but the second option is what I want to do."

Father: "I know, but we don't always get to do what we want to do, dear..."

Mother: "But, its her birthday, and growing up I always imagined my daughters 5th birthday being a certain way, and I am just set on it, Michael."

Father: "I'll check at work to get the time off of work, and you talk to her school."

"So, I know were going somewhere and I figured we were gonna go visit my grandma, but I kept listening.. " - Waverly

Mother: "Oh my gosh, I am so excited. Where should we stay? I'll look online and decide where, okay?"

Father: "Well, you are the big planner in the family. I assume everything should be set and ready to go my midnight!"

Mother: "I might be more excited than Waverly will be when she finds out."

Father: "Why don't we tell her?"

Mother: "She's asleep, Michael!"

Father: "You haven't been hearing all the movement in her room?!"

Mother: "I must have been too excited! Waverly, come here, please."

"And, then they told me that we are going to WALT DISNEY WORLD during my birthday! I am so excited, Olivia!"

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Test Prep

The statement "form follows function" has been brought up many a time in class and I still wasnt exactly sure how it applied to poetry.

These video is about architecture, not poetry but the way its defined still kinda could fall into poetry.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Test Prep.

I have a hard time figuring out how to measure a poem in feet. THIS website is rather informative.

This video is a fun way to learn about the IAMBIC PENTAMETER. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

I see a generation of change.

Who will stand up for anyone being brought down by a bully, who will help those in need and those who are struggling more than the rest of us.

Who will be there for someone with an listening ear, with no strings attached.

Who will come forward and be proud to be an American, and stand beside their fellow Americans regardless of their background, race, sexual orientation, religion, or size.

I see a generation of enlightenment.

Who will show generations before ours that hate isn't acceptable, under any circumstance. How a person is a person. A beating heart.

Who will prove that the change is coming. Gay's will marry. Women will control their bodies. and Our monies will be ours.

I see a generation of Acceptance.

Who will be part of the change. Proving that we are accepted and accepting. We love and will be loved. Regardless of flaws.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Flat and square, important for many
like the fresh air to a jogger.

Monday, February 4, 2013


Standing in line, waiting to get my name called at Disneyworld.
Hoping to end up at the castle Magic Kingdom
Or even the hat at Hollywood Studio
Thinking about the globe at Epcot
But, dreading getting placed at Animal Kingdom
But, it doesnt really matter because you're finally Cast Member.

Not many people get chosen to be a Cast Member
Even though there are 66,000 spots at Disneyworld
The park most wide-eyed is Animal Kingdom
Most people KNOW about is Magic Kingdom
The best place to get a bite to eat is in Epcot
And, then my park, my home, Hollywood Studio

I spend most of my time at Hollywood Studio
Working at Pizza Planet being a Cast Member
Wishing to be able to go off and play at Epcot
Still So excited to be at Disneyworld
Missing my best friend who is at Magic Kingdom
Going and seeing the animals on our free time at Animal Kingdom

I feel like I'm on a real safari at Animal Kingdom
Feeling Walt's spirit within my blood at Hollywood Studio
Feel the magic at Magic Kingdom
It's still unreal that I'm a Cast Member
Not many people get this opportunity at Disneyworld
And, here I am with my backyard being Epcot

I'm at my last visit to Epcot
Taking my last ride in the dinosaur times at Animal Kingdom
Already missing my home away from home, Disneyworld
Taking my final walk backstage Hollywood Studio
It's my last few days as a Cast Member
It's almost time to say goodbye to Magic Kingdom

We had a good run, but I'll be back to the Magic Kingdom
I'll once again take a stroll around the world in Epcot
I'll forever be a Cast Member
I'll miss Animal Kingdom
My home park will always be Hollywood Studio
I'll have a love that no one else gets for Disneyworld

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ode to...

You never seem to fail me,
as much as I fail you.
You make sure I am up,
and you make sure I am asleep.

I can plan appointments around you,
and let others know when I'm not available.
Me and most plan our days around you,
and you plan yours in a 24 hour sequence.

Most would have no order in their life without you,
and you don't even care.
My clock probably runs my day more than anything else.
Class to class to Class.
From one job to another.
The only 'time' we know to go is when we look at the clock.

But their does come a point and time when you stop,
and don't wake us up,
and those are the only time we tend to notice you.
Even though you've been faithful to us for 6 months.

Slowly, but surly, we will then unbeknownst to us love you, until you mess up, again. 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Litany Imitation

You are the rock and the strength,
the happiness and the giver.
You are the kindness
and the love.
You are the most helpful,
and the understanding.

However, you are not still,
 constantly on the go,
or thinking of something to do.
And you are certainly not carefree.
There is just no way that you are carefree.

It is possible that you are dependable,
maybe even most dependable,
but you are not even close
to being organized.

And a quick look in the mirror will show
that you are neither easy
nor difficult.

It might interest you to know,
speaking of the plentiful imagery of the world,
that I reflect you.

I also happen to be determined,
and hardworking.

I am also the witty
and the emotional.
But don't worry, I'm not the rock and the strength.
You are still the rock  and the strength.
You will always be the rock and the strength,
not to mention the happiness and--somehow--the giver.
This is to my mom. She is always organizing events trying to help people in our valley who are less fortunate, on top of working a physical job. She definitely keeps me in my place. :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Hello! My name is Brittney Blankenship, clearly, and this is semester will be four years at LCSC. This means I have put English off for as long as possible. I can't stand reading type of English, but I love to write about it. I'm an odd duck, I know. I am a Business Admin with Management Accounting Emphasis major. I love money and numbers. I have two jobs. I work at the Northwest Children's Home mostly, and then Bumpers Family Fun Canter only when needed. I grew up in Lewiston, and graduated from LHS. Go Bengals. And, my most favorite thing is Disney. I like to think I'm a pretty friendly person, and try to be as helpful as possible so if anyone needs help or wants to study together, just get a hold of me.